Projects, Social
Date Added
October 16, 2024
Project brief & details
Campaign Overview
Our campaign aims to break through the desensitization that many smokers and their families experience when it comes to the dangers of smoking. We’re tapping into raw, real-life situations, grounded in the personal stories of people who’ve quit smoking.
What Makes It Different
This campaign is rooted in authenticity. Through a survey of 20 individuals who successfully quit smoking, we’ve built relatable characters from diverse backgrounds—ethnicities, genders, and ages—so the message feels inclusive and universal.
The Emotional Impact
Our visuals capture the real, unfiltered emotions of families, children, and significant others who are affected by smoking. We’re not just talking cigarettes; we’re addressing vaping and hookah, showing that the consequences are far-reaching.
The Message
We’re challenging the audience to pause and reflect: “Could this happen to me?” By personalizing the dangers of smoking, we aim to reignite that critical awareness, making the risks feel immediate and relevant.